Producing crucial new research
to understand care
The Centre aims to produce crucial new research and to make a strong theoretical contribution to understandings of care.
Our Mission
The Centre for Care aims to produce crucial new research and to make a strong theoretical contribution to understandings of care. We define care as the support needed to support wellbeing, life chances and inclusion in daily life and believe almost everyone requires care at some point in their lifetime. Our focus is on care from the perspective of families and individuals, communities and workers and the care practices, services and systems that affect them. We aim to produce accessible, impactful research for all to use.
The Centre for Care is committed to creating new data infrastructure to support understandings of care, and has a training and development programme that includes a large and expanding group of PhD students. The Centre offers a wide range of development and extension activities, has a strong commitment to co-production and achieving impact, and plans to implement a regular Summer School focused on researching care.

The Centre for Care was awarded Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Centre funding (£10 million) in 2021 for its initial five years. This includes an element of Department of Health and Social funding via the NIHR. Participating universities also provide £1.4 million of their own resources to support the Centre’s growth and activities.
The Centre for Care is a cohesive and interdisciplinary research centre led by Director Professor Kate Hamblin. It builds on previous research which Kate has played a significant role in, led over many years by former Director Professor Sue Yeandle and previous work in related fields by members of the Centre for Care’s wider team of Co-Investigators.
Kate previously worked in the ESRC-funded ‘Sustainable Care: connecting people and systems’ programme (2017-21), in which many of the Centre for Care’s co-investigators were also involved.