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Publications by our colleagues

On this page you’ll find publications by the Centre for Care team and our collaborating partners. Keep checking here for new publications or sign up to our regular newsletter to keep up to date with our latest journal articles, papers, policy briefs, research reports and more.

Book chapters


Men working in the adult social care sector in England: a narrative study.

Ella Monkcom August 2023, Dissertation, MA in Social Research

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Journal Articles

Scholarly articles by the Centre for Care team.

Responses to calls for evidence

The Centre for Care team regularly submit evidence to a number of wide-ranging government inquiries.

Submission to the House of Lords Communications and Digital Select Committee inquiry, ‘Digital exclusion and the cost of living’

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Submission to the House of Lords Justice and Home Affairs Committee inquiry on Family Migration

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Submission to the Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) Committee inquiry into ‘Post-pandemic economic growth: UK labour markets’

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Submission to Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee (DCMS) inquiry into ‘Connected tech: smart or sinister?’

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