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Who We Are

Partnerships and connections

We engage actively with leading international partners based in similar centres of excellence in their own countries, and are committed to building major new capacity in studying care. We work closely with partners in the care sector and other organisations with an interest in care, and are committed to co-producing our research with people of all ages with lived experience of requiring and providing care and support. We have the support of a distinguished Advisory Board and an expanding network of scholars and organisations focused on care in all areas of the world.

Centre for Care leadership and management

The Centre for Care is led by its Director and Principal Investigator Professor Kate Hamblin and Deputy Director Professor Nathan Hughes.

Operations Team

This team provides professional services to support all the Centre’s work.

Research Groups

The Centre currently has three Research Groups led by Professor Majella Kilkey, Professor Matt Bennett and Professor Shereen Hussein. The three Research Groups are supported by six additional Co-Investigators and eight Researchers.

Research Themes

The Centre’s cross-cutting integrative Research Themes are led by Professor Catherine Needham, Dr Kate Hamblin and Professor Matt Bennett, supported by three Researchers.

Management and Leadership

With the Director, the Centre for Care’s Research and Theme Group and Operations Team leaders form its Management and Leadership Group, which is responsible for delivering the Centre’s programme of work, planning its activities and achieving its wider objectives.

Voice Forums

The Centre for Care Voice Forum is a group that offers advice within the Centre’s overall governance structure. Its membership includes people with lived experience of receiving and/or giving care and support. It meets four times a year to discuss Centre-wide impact activities, review documentation, and discuss any issues or topics brought forward by the Voice Forum. In particular, the Voice Forum:

  • Ensures the Centre for Care is working towards its commitment to work in collaboration with experts by experiences
  • Checks that the information and documents we produce is accessible, respectful and appropriate
  • Explores opportunities for engagement and including the voices of others.

Centre for Care team members attend the Voice Forums to keep members updated about how they are shaping the work of the Centre, and to ensure that discussions are fed back to appropriate Centre teams. Bespoke co-production arrangements for Centre for Care research will be established for projects, surveys and other research activities the Centre undertakes. 

To find out more about our Voice Forums or to express your interest in joining either the Forum or our co-production activities, please email

Future Plans

The team and the University of Sheffield (host institution) are committed to ensuring the Centre for Care is active for a minimum period of 10 years (2021-2031). Centre Investigators participate in an active and inclusive programme of forward planning and expansion to ensure the Centre is sustainable and dynamic. We welcome enquiries about possible future collaborations and anticipate establishing further Research Groups as the Centre evolves to address important topics and questions within our remit.