Continuing ‘The Transitions that Matter’ series: Robert Walker writes about transitioning into older age, and the financial risks involved.
Read more about The financial risks of transitioning into older ageContinuing ‘The Transitions that Matter’ series: Robert Walker writes about transitioning into older age, and the financial risks involved.
Read more about The financial risks of transitioning into older ageWelfare technology for older people and their informal carers in a Swedish context
A newly published PhD-thesis on welfare technology for older people and their informal carers in a Swedish context by Maria Nilsson, doctoral student at the Swedish Family Care Competence Centre.
Read more about Welfare technology for older people and their informal carers in a Swedish contextJayanthi Lingham writes about Arts-based research methods, its role in her research and how it can change the way participants engage in a study. Also, watch Chloe Alexander explain how and why she used Arts-based methods in her PhD research.
Read more about Using Arts-based methods for data collectionNavigating practitioner-academic research in Local Authorities
Charlotte Ashworth writes about carrying out practitioner research in her own organisation.
Read more about Navigating practitioner-academic research in Local AuthoritiesWhat can a Computational Approach bring to Social Care Research?
Daniel Valdenegro Ibarra and Charles Rahal outline what is being done at the Centre for Care in this area with the specific objective of reducing inequalities across the social care landscape.
Read more about What can a Computational Approach bring to Social Care Research?How co-production in research can be radical plus a new collaboration between Think Local Act Personal and the Centre for Care. Written by Kate Pieroudis (Think Local Act Personal).
Read more about Who asks the questions and who gets to answer?Continuing ‘The Transitions that Matter’ series: Terry Blatter shares her experience of caring, through three generations of family, suffering dementia.
Read more about The Three Acts of DementiaEmily Burn and Catherine Needham explore what it means to describe social care as an ecosystem.
Read more about What does it mean to describe social care as an ecosystem?A new commentary in our ‘The Transitions that Matter’ series: Anne Pridmore shares her experience of transitioning through a changing care system in England, starting in the 1980s.
Read more about Transitioning through the care system