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Text: 'Care Matters Podcast Reflections on ’A gloriously ordinary life’: In conversation with Baroness Andrews' Hosted by Dr Kate Hamblin with Special Guest Baroness Andrews Chair, House of Lords Adult Social Care Committee'

Podcast- Reflections on ’A gloriously ordinary life’: In conversation with Baroness Andrews

This episode is a reflection, in Baroness Andrews’ own words, on the recent report published by the House of Lords Adult Social Care Committee, ‘A “gloriously ordinary life’’: spotlight on adult social care’. The report included evidence submitted by colleagues at the Centre for Care.

Read more about Podcast- Reflections on ’A gloriously ordinary life’: In conversation with Baroness Andrews
Light text on dark background: Care Matters Podcast, The EU Care Strategy: a watershed moment for unpaid carers and care workers across Europe? hosted by Becky Driscoll (Centre for Care) With special guests Stecy Yghemonos (Eurocarers) & Zoe Hughes (Care Alliance Ireland)

Podcast- The EU Care Strategy: a watershed moment for unpaid carers and care workers across Europe?

In this episode of the podcast we’re discussing the new EU Care Strategy, which was formally adopted by the European Commission in December 2022. Becky Driscoll, one of our Research Associates, is joined by guests Stecy Yghemonos (Eurocarers) and Zoe Hughes (Care Alliance Ireland). 

Read more about Podcast- The EU Care Strategy: a watershed moment for unpaid carers and care workers across Europe?

Juggling work and care: the impact of reducing work on financial wellbeing 

To coincide with the Talk Money Week campaign, Louise Overton, Rachael Black and Becky Driscoll explore the impact that reducing, or stopping, paid work to care for a friend or family member can have on a person’s immediate and long-term financial wellbeing. Plus the knock on effects for long term savings and pensions.

Read more about Juggling work and care: the impact of reducing work on financial wellbeing